Steam pouring warm,
Nylon throat gagging soap,
My iron beats board impatient to glide out,
Over dust dervish sparrow squabble,
An old man bends a slow jig with the pavement,
His dog ancient and mummified grinds arthritic legs,
Scraping the ground slow as you like,
No hurry time to burn,
Creased sucked screaming back,
A dazed shadow skating on polyester,
Chintz cat dragged sideways the pile engulfing time,
A trail pursues its destroyer,
Darting through carnage and disdain,
I scrape it together,
The clock ticks a metre,
Worn patches grow as I watch,
Outside the endless change,
Separate as a picture.
Fulfilling its purpose,
My epitaph,
She made clothes flat.