Cover Up

The recent gravity machine's
malfunction left ancient listed
seas all floating - out
in - outer space

Someone's unplugged the polar
fridges. A form of damage
limitation. But it went out
the same way as the rest

The National Federation
for Discussions of Important
Decisions Not Decided or
Resolved: ruled it no good

to tell the workers, all
that needless panic and sent
a spray can into space to
paint the planet blue


Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

Ah to be an enviromentalist, or any kind of mentalist would do,
to turn the tides from ochre back to a salty kind of blue.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Doctor FTSE said...

And LO! There is now a brass band poem on some dumb blog called The Doc's Homeopathic Poems.

Bess Twishes and like your pomes.


3:00 PM  
Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

CJ I'm just kind of trying to think of what kind of mentalist you could be. Tonight I'm an
En-veno-mentalist, after a bottle of wine we will sit up late discussing and solving all the worlds problems only to wake up in the morning having forgotton all those so important answers.

Bess twishes hic to you too Dr FTSE

7:21 PM  

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