The Change
She chose to dine alone
Setting the table with care
Pausing to straiten the cloth
Watching it stretch out across
The smooth wood of the table
Like her own skin only lighter
Hating it; showing her
face - but - as yet - not quite
the web took her by surprise
Another clump in the
Shower, a crisp white coffer
Each made her feel hungry
As she stacked them in the
parlour. She just caught the
postman. His screams though
muffled, sensed in all eight
legs the tremor; held him
down; wrapped quickly in silk
The parlour clock ticks
Chimes turn with the wind
Door ajar; she sits humming
Waiting calmly for the milk
Hi Sue,
I always enjoy your poems (and prose.) Been away too long. How are you? I feel lonely reading this as if her life has been in recluse.
I like how you show the passage of time, from use of poem story telling to decor plans, changes in her appearance, routines like the postman, the web (wonderful description "crisp white coffer its shape almost human" certainly emphasizes aloneness to me...
and the mystery of the ending, of what is to come...or if milk is for a break or before bed.
(Forgive me, if I analyze too much, do let me know.I've not been blogging in a long time so I forget who wants comments on their work and who doesn't.)
Quite enjoyed this!
Hi gel, I'm glad you enjoyed this and I never mind being analized. I suspect it's not the milk but the carrier that entices her. I've been weighed down with work and quite ill in the end with it all, so only just got back to some blogging. Some nice things did happen last year but most of it was black grey sludge and difficult to travel through.
Sorry to hear about the slidge stuff but great to see you writing again. The feeling of loneliness is palable and your words drip with that emotion.
Are you too busy to join Roger Stevens, Michael Leigh and myself on our 'Something for the Weekend' blog?
Be great if you could join us.
Gel is right we have been away for so long ..we hope this we take us back to you writing
I am glad you are feeling better and blogging now. the loneliness in your words is like a loud silence and sadly most of us can relate to wonderfully you've captured it.
My comment is another lonely echo. Also sorry for the sludge. Hope it purifies and thins out soon.
Thanks Pat the sludge is definately thinning, still a bit sticky under foot though
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