1978 ish Waiting For the Bell – After Carol Anne Duffy

‘Mama just killed a man’ No mum! Daddy with a lipstick
In the kitchen; Ha, ha. We sang it walking home-
The world was ours. The girl with curly hair
Didn’t need no home-perm, rain did mine fine.
Murder for flicks, but it wasn’t the flick kind

No - we weren’t cool. Fridges were. Bumming
late-night scraps and newspaper vinegar kisses
Practice in mirrors just in case Danny’s got you
’Stranded at the drive- in’ Or that James
down the street - got his mate to ask you.

The square route of the hypotenuse-might have been
The route to youth club - it wasn’t so, I didn’t get maths
He’s looking at me, Miss, A-hundred-and-fiv
Twenty-five minutes to-the-bell-Miss, Drone-on
‘Tell me why I hate Mondays’ and Tuesdays and days

Night hisses out dreams on new silver transistor
Long nails with glitter - spilt some on the stereo
Doing the hand jive just like ‘Grease Lightning’
Hell mum! It was old anyway. I wonder, did
you ever fumble?In the dark? Did he ‘Give you
fever’?‘Romeo loved Juliet’ at the back of the church?

Look when you’re really old. Like thirty-five. Can’t
remember love - don’t do sex, I bet. Disgusting
With dad? What? Not just the twice then? Gin and tonic
please, and a cigarette. I’m telling you I’m never
getting old, or having kids Top of the pops is top

Fifty with the old man Jimmy the cigar. Mum
hates him for pretending to be young, it’s a criminal
offence. Like “‘her at the end wearing that skirt, like
some bit of a kid” ‘Et tu Bruti’, couldn’t spell
either so didn’t get nuffing sept, a trip to the head

'Ground control to major Tom’
‘Brown Girl in the Ring la di la di da’

Steve Williams now you’re talking.
Hey I ain’t no ‘sugar in a plum’ boy!


Blogger Russell CJ Duffy said...

and i thought that the 'route of the hypotenuse' was a band.

brilliant stuff sue. too little and too often but always so good.

1:49 PM  
Blogger DhiRAj SinGh said...

I like this: "Night hisses out dreams on new silver transistor Long nails with glitter-spilt some on the stereo..."
I hate Mondays and Tuesdays too
Howdy you, Sue!!

5:49 PM  
Blogger Sue hardy-Dawson said...

Too little and too often I'm confused CJ, who knows perhaps they are a band by now. Is it just me or isn't the skin cream working, just kidding, another essay bites the dust and maybe come May it will be too much and too often, yay freedom and an island becons

Howdy Maharajadhiraj, I'm all in favour of the five day weekend and two days off to recover but I can't interest my employer in the concept shame really

6:32 PM  
Blogger Roger Stevens said...

Great stuff, as always.

Looks like the dyslexia poem book's got the go ahead. I'll be in touch.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

Gel(Emerald Eyes)Hi Sue!
How are you? I've not been around blogland in a while. (Computer crashed and life "stuff.") Oh, this imagination of yours takes me for an enjoyable ride. I'm grinning as I "hear" the dialogue! It's good to be reading you again.

Gel {* *}
P.S. I dropped the SilvermOOn name and reverted back to my original blog name of Gel, so as not to confuse folks. The link I coded in at the beginning of this comment goes to the link you still have on your blogroll. I need to rebuild my blog. You'll be linked back up in between art shows.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Roger Stevens said...

Seems like a while since you blogged, Sue. I'm getting back to it. Much more elegant than facebook.

8:40 PM  

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